Alfredo Manzo Cedeño, La Habana, 1964.
He studied at the Academia San Alejandro to become a teacher. Initially, he was interested in printmaking and painting; but he has since made a name for himself with his witty and whimsical papier-mâché figures.
In his work Manzo has always questioned the artificial division between "high" and "low" art, a philosophical theme that is clearly apparent in his Cuba's Soup series of serigraphs shown here — they are not just an homage to Warhol, but also a satirical commentary on the state of relations between Cuba and the U.S.
According to Marilyn Zeitlin, Director of the Arizona State University Art Museum, his work speaks to both countries, since it draws from both Cuban and American cultural and political heritages. "Like many Cuban artists," Zeitlin says, "Manzo can tease both the Cuban and American clichés to render something new. He does so with astonishing craftsmanship, intelligence, wit and great élan."
(Información tomada de http://www.galerielakaye.com)
He studied at the Academia San Alejandro to become a teacher. Initially, he was interested in printmaking and painting; but he has since made a name for himself with his witty and whimsical papier-mâché figures.
In his work Manzo has always questioned the artificial division between "high" and "low" art, a philosophical theme that is clearly apparent in his Cuba's Soup series of serigraphs shown here — they are not just an homage to Warhol, but also a satirical commentary on the state of relations between Cuba and the U.S.
According to Marilyn Zeitlin, Director of the Arizona State University Art Museum, his work speaks to both countries, since it draws from both Cuban and American cultural and political heritages. "Like many Cuban artists," Zeitlin says, "Manzo can tease both the Cuban and American clichés to render something new. He does so with astonishing craftsmanship, intelligence, wit and great élan."
(Información tomada de http://www.galerielakaye.com)
3 comentarios:
Ayudemos a este gran artista cubano,por favor....Su mujer e hijo necesitan cuidar de el.
Pedro Vizcaino
Por nada Pedro. Es lo menos que podemos hacer por un colega en una situación tan difícil.
Le deseo pronta recuperación a Manzo.
Vagamente lo recuerdo del Pedagógico. Tal vez una subasta silenciosa con obra de varios artistas (y suya) pudiera servir, es cuestión de organización y tiempo, seguro que pronto aparece quien ponga el espacio.
Mucha suerte para él y para su familia en todo caso.
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